Alright, so about time I got back on here and threw down. It's taken me a while to come up with an idea of what to talk about, what to say and honestly who really gives a fuck what I have to say? So late last night I was in the midst of one of those youtube black holes where you just keep clicking on related videos (chances are if you are a pot smoker you've been there done that, many times) and I came across a rare home video of the airplane hitting the second tower on 9/11. So I posted it to my twitter account just to share with people because it's a wild view:
So anyways, I posted nothing on my beliefs of the matter and no opinion and out of the blue some guy who I don't follow replies and this is direct quote "9/11 was an inside job Bldg 7 is the smoking gun. Never hit by plane 47 Stry building collapses in own footprint !" Right away I was immediately pissed off for two reasons. First, this asshole felt he just had to state his opinion, when really no one was asking for it and it wasn't even in a debating matter because I stated nothing about what I thought about the events, my post was: "craziest view of the 2nd plane hitting on 911 I've ever seen!" So immediately I am turned off by what this jerk off has to say, another typical asshole who feels he needs to be heard when no one really asked to hear what he has to say (yes I realize the irony of writing a blog and what I just stated.) Second reason I was pissed is why most people would be. Thousands died that day, people suffered horrors no one could possibly imagine (check out videos of people jumping to their death rather than burning.) So now I invite you to come along with me while I systematically disprove and tear this knob a new asshole with simple knowledge and common sense, and not just some bullshit I read off an internet page or seen on a video that anyone could of written, shot or edited.
Alright, first off I AM NOT saying I am right. I am not going be one of those asses that states he knows and everyone who is against it is wrong; however, I am going state my opinion here and just make common sense points that I feel make the most sense out of anything. Ok, so building 7 seems to be the big "smoking gun" that everyone says proves it was a government set up. Why did it collapse? Well the big theory is that it was a controlled demolition. Why did it fall so perfect onto itself? Why did it collapse almost 7 hours later than the twin towers? Why can you hear explosions in building 7?
Point 1: Alright, this is probably the most simple, the damn building collapsed because it was massively damaged by 2 of the biggest buildings in the world collapsing earlier that day within a block of it. We've all seen the amount of debris that came down, some of those damn pieces were HUNDREDS of tons of burning steel that were falling close to terminal velocity. That's a lot of god damn force and for you whiz kids out there Force = Mass x Acceleration. In simple terms heavy objects that are falling at an accelerating rate fuck shit up. So there, I think that can start us off at a good point of solving this mystery, the debris from the falling twin towers initiated the destruction of tower 7
Point 2: SEISMIC ACTIVITY! Don't ya think that having two towers each weighing approx 450,000,000 tons falling 1450 feet would shake the ground a little bit? I'd think so, maybe enough that it could damage the structural integrity of the buildings within a block of it just a tiny bit? I think it's pretty hard to ignore this fact and probably had something to do with shaking some things loose in other buildings (gas lines, electrical wires, etc)
Point 3: Why was there fire and explosions. Same reasons why some cars explode when they crash. You mix energy with a combustible fuel source and oxygen and there ya go fire! Why were the fires only on certain levels, well there is a whole mix of reasons, it was, in lack of better terms, luck of the draw. What hit what and what combustible source was on each floor, is unknown so the fires randomly happened where they happened. As far as the explosions people think were planted explosives, well this can easily be explained. Buildings are full of all sorts of stuff that can explode. Maybe natural gas lines feeding the building finally gave into the stress and heat. Electrical transformers finally gave out from overheating, have you ever seen one of those explode in the summer during a brownout? They go off like a motherfucker! Any volatile chemicals, lets say cleaning closets full of organic compounds (carbon oxygen and hydrogen based) would go off like a rocket ship. So there are a few possibilities why explosions were heard.
Point 4: So I am going to explain this point by what a civil engineer specializing in structural steel with over 30 years experience explained to me. Buildings are actually designed to collapse onto themselves. The outter steel shell of the building is actually the strongest and beefiest. With the inner structural steel structure being less dense (not the steel itself but amount used.) This design technique is used in order for the building to collapse onto itself in case it's structural integrity is compromised by either vertical or horizontal forces.
Point 5: This one is just gonna be based on common sense. Why would they even bother to destroy building 7? There's no way the collapsing of a building that doesn't even stand out in the New York skyline would have any kind of dramatic impact of what already happened earlier that day and wasn't that the whole point of the attacks? (no matter who you think planned them) There's no significance to building 7 in this regard, it wasn't a world renowned landmark. Do you ever hear people, other than conspiracy theorists, talk about building 7? No! The only images and thoughts of that day in New York were the towers collapsing. So really, what was the point? Seems very insignificant for dramatic effect for a 47 story building to collapse 7 hours later. Plus why 7 hours? Why not 5 or 4 or 10? This just doesn't seem to me that it came down on purpose or was targeted by anyone.
Alright so there are some thoughts of mine on the matter. Feel free write back and level me with some knowledge if you wish, but for myself, the common sense approach seems to be the best way to decipher this issue, in other words, keep it simple stupid!
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