Friday, 4 March 2011

MMA Judging...Is There a Fix?

MMA Judging....Is There a Fix?

With recent controversial decisions in the past two UFC events and many other MMA fights in the past, fans are left with a feeling of dissatisfaction and almost anger having seen their favourite fighter be robbed on a close decision and even missing out on perhaps a title shot.  With any sport that is being judged comes controversy and MMA is no exception to the rule.  The fastest growing sport in the world has most recently come under scrutiny from the fans, fighters and even promoters for its latest string of controversial decisions and it's about time something be done about it.  First off, I'm just a regular fan, in no way am I going to pretend I know what it takes to step into a cage and what criteria it takes in order to win a fight.  Unless you train, in all aspects of the sport, you really cannot be qualified to judge MMA so I won't pretend I can, unlike some others.  Perhaps the judges in place now are qualified in one aspect of the game, as I hear most of them are boxing judges, but are they qualified to judge the intricacies of  rubber guard?  The answer is simply no.  I'd like to throw some ideas out there, just to spit ball, open up some discussions and get people talking about what can improve the sport we all love.

1.  Qualified Judges...This MUST Happen!
We need people who know all aspects of this sport behind the score cards.  These un-educated judges have to go.  Would you want a Urologist performing open heart surgery on you?  No, even though both are Dr's each one has their specialty.  There needs to be professional MMA judges, athletic commissions should have MMA divisions, with qualified people, instead of boxing judges/politicians behind the scorecards.

2. Eliminate the 10 Point Must System
Is it me or does it seem silly judging one sport on another sport's criteria?  Adopting the boxing 10 point must system worked in the early days of MMA but with more dynamic fighters and higher quality competition and closer fights this system is becoming outdated.  In boxing the rounds are 3 minutes and awarding points is based solely on strikes landed with the fighters hands.  How can the same system translate over to a 5 minute round where pretty much anything goes?  There's so much more going on and in a longer time period.  Perhaps a 20 point system or more use of 10-8 or even 10-7 scoring.  It just doesn't make sense for a round where one fighter lands maybe 1 or 2 more strikes to receive the same score as a fighter who would dominate an entire round perhaps landing 10+ more strikes than their opponent. 

3. More Judges?
Why only have 3 judges?  Why not have 5 or maybe 7.  With more people judging there will be a greater census of who truly wins.  With a 3 judge system it allows 1 judge alone to have an impact where their opinion alone can determine the winner of the fight.  No matter what everyone will have biases.  Opinion of fighters, personality and crowd response can easily manipulate one's perspective of things and that alteration of thinking should not potentially have control over who wins a fight.  With more judges perhaps more perspectives of the fight are taken into consideration when determining a winner. 

4. A Judge for Each Aspect
Here's where I start thinking out of the box.  Why not have one judge for each aspect of the game? Say perhaps have a pro K1 fighter judge striking based on a compustrike system and have it entered into a computer system.  Then, have a world class wrestler and/or Jiu Jitsu blackbelt judge the ground game based on a system similar to wrestling with points awarded for control, advantageous positions obtained, holding an opponent in a position for a certain period of time (riding points) and have them entered into a computer also.  Once each judge enters the data based on their findings have it computed by a program that has a programmed algorithm of what each point for each aspect is worth in the grand scheme and have a printout of the final score?? 

5. Introduce the Passivity Rule
Nobody likes a boring fight!  Too many times fighters will know they are ahead by 2 rounds to 0 and will play it safe and coast for the third round.  Everyone pays to see a fight, fighters train to fight, so lets see it!  Based on the points system that is in place now why not have the threat to have a point taken away in the final round if a fighter runs away.  Lets put the threat of losing the fight in the fighters mind if they only fight for two thirds of the fight, make each round count!  Let each round possibly determine the winner of the fight, not just by KO or submission, but have it in the fighters mind that even though they are well ahead on the score cards, playing it safe could possibly cost them the fight.

The above are just a few ideas I've thought of that could MAYBE change some of the judging problems in MMA.  I also realize I contradict some of my own points; however, the point of my writing is just to start a brainstorm of ideas and not me stating what needs to be done.  Again I would like to state in no way do I know what it is like to fight and in no way am I qualified to say what is right and what is wrong, I'm not that drunk dude in the bar wearing an Affliction shirt and thinks he's a badass and has to have his opinion but I am a fan and have been since the very beginning and as an observer I am just trying to get some discussions going in order to improve my favourite sport.  Only good can come from listening to others opinions and having them hear yours, everyone becoming more educated can never be a bad thing!  So please write back, express your ideas of what could be done, or just tell me I am plain full of shit with my ideas all feedback is welcome!



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